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Minutes 1-21-09


The Board of Selectmen held a budget deliberation meeting on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 in the meeting room at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal.

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Robert Tait, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Ron Bolmer, various department heads, twenty members of the public and one member of the press.

Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook believes Fairfield Hills should be saved for municipal needs.  Ms. Johnson expressed support for the skate park in the Parks and Recreation budget.  Ms. Johnson also had questions on the Newtown Youth Academy lease.  It is stated that the Town will receive 1400 hours of use and a $25 reduction on court time.  Is that budgeted for Parks & Recreation?  Is there a set fee or a user fee to use the facility?
Lori Capozziello, 123 Toddy Hill Road, Sandy Hook stated that in March 2007 the Town donated 12,000 square feet for a skateboard park.  Fairfield Hills Authority has granted two extensions to Donate to Skate to allow more time for the group to raise money.  Mrs. Capozziello requested the Board consider keeping $50,000 in the Parks & Recreation budget for the skate park.
Mark Tambascio, 30 Edge Lake Drive, Newtown stated that it is not the town’s fault there is no skate park.  There hasn't been a need until recently and there is now more of a need.  There is a safety issue with kids skating around town, the police give the kids a hard time.  Skating is a sport and a skate park can be used for things other than just skateboarding.  It can also be used for rollerblading and BMX.  Also, it can be a money raiser for the town by holding events at the skate park.  
Vicki Hensel, 2 Chimney Drive, Sandy Hook believes that a skateboard park is a necessity for the town and urged the Board to give it their utmost consideration.
Chris Grasso, 2 Hollandale Road, Newtown, is the father of three boys who are very involved in skateboarding.  Mr. Grasso spoke of the camaraderie  between skaters.  There are no coaches but the more experienced skaters offer guidance and they all support each other.  Skateboarding is as important as other sports.
Chris Capozziello, 123 Toddy Hill Road, Sandy Hook stated that Donate to Skate is the fourth organization to try to raise money for a skate park since 2000.  It has been the most successful because of the tenacity of Lori Capozziello.  Mr. Capozziello expressed there is an immense interest in skateboarding in town and the sport is rapidly growing.
David Friedman, Laurel Road, Newtown is new to town and has noticed a lot of spending going on.  He believes in this day of technology, the internet and iPods, that getting people outside is a valuable idea.  $50,000 for a skate park is a drop in the bucket compared to the incredible spending.
Evan Garrett, 12 Skidmore Lane, Sandy Hook noted that there is money being spent on fields yet there is nowhere for skaters.  Skating is more popular than baseball with teens.  Mr. Garrett stated that by being limited to skating in the driveway or in the garage the ability to grow as a skater and become better is also limited.  A skate park would benefit the town because there would be fewer kids on the street, less drugs and less vandalism.  A skate park would be good for the community.

2009/2010 Budget
Account  205 GIS (Information Technology)
Director of GIS Scott Sharlow was present.
This department was tabled.

Account 460 Building
Building Official John Poeltl was present.
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 460 Building in the amount of $306,447.  First Selectman Borst seconded.
Selectman Mangiafico questioned Mr. Poeltl as to why the department had both a secretary and an administrative assistant.  Selectman Mangiafico commented that perhaps Mr. Poeltl's position shouldn't have been filled when he was promoted from building inspector to building official.  Selectman Mangiafico questioned the number of permits being issued.  Mr. Poeltl replied that the number of permits is about the same as it was last year because even though people aren't building new homes they are still doing renovations, pools and roofs.  Selectman Rosenthal moved to table this item until January 27, 2009 allowing Mr. Poeltl to supply requested information to Selectman Mangiafico.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All in favor.

Account 500 Highway
Public Works Director Fred Hurley was present

Selectman Rosenthal moved Account #500 in the amount of $4,918,663.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.
First Selectman Borst moved to AMEND by decreasing:
Line 01500 1003 Payroll by $49,629
Line 01500 1006 Benefits by $5,700
Line 01500 5080 Capital by $4,000

Account 510 Winter Maintenance
Selectman Mangiafico moved to AMEND Account 510 Winter Maintenance by decreasing line 01510 4060 Contractual Services by $35,000.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All in favor.

Account 515 Land Fill
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account  515 Land Fill in the amount of $1,365,692.  First Selectman Borst seconded.  All in favor.

Account 650 Public Building Maintenance
Selectman Mangiafico moved to AMEND Account 650 Public Building Maintenance by decreasing line 01650 5080 Capital by $100,000. Selectman Rosenthal seconded.  All in favor.

Account 710 Car Pool
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 710 Car Pool in the amount of $5,000.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All in favor.

Account 550 Parks & Recreation
Director Parks & Recreation Amy Mangold was present along with Ed Marks of the Parks & Recreation Commission
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 550 Parks & Recreation in the amount of $1,979,058.  First Selectman Borst seconded.  
First Selectman Borst moved to AMEND Account 550 Parks & Recreation by decreasing:
Line 01550 1004 Payroll by $42,034
Line 01550 1006 Life Guards by $15,000
Line 01550 2018 Utilities by $10,000
Line 01550 4060 Contractual Services by $3,000
Line 01550 5080 Capital by $14,000

First Selectman Borst moved to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel.  Invited to attend were Ed Marks and Parks & Recreation Commission members Pat Barczak and PJ Woychum.   Executive Session was entered at 10:40pm and returned to regular session at 11:30 with no motion taken.


Having no further business, the Board of Selectman adjourned their regular meeting at 11:35pm to be continued tomorrow, January 22, 2009 at the Senior Center, 7:30pm

Respectfully Submitted,                                                         

Susan Marcinek, Clerk